Errors in reproducing player action in the take editor (Muzzle Flash animation persists infinitely in takes)

I’m working for a film studio to create a “fake videogame” seen played by actors. We are compositing game footage onto monitors on set.

We’ve made a “real” game for the most part, and do some gameplay recordings for our client to comp in.

To mimic that this game is played multiplayer split-screen, we are using the Take Recorder to capture the player character shooting their weapon.

My error is that when the player fires this weapon, the muzzle flash behavior is correct, but in the playback from the take-recorder, the muzzle flash continues to infinitely animate while attached to the COG bone of the character. This of course, looks strange and isn’t what my client wants.

What are some reasons why the child components of the recorded actor are doing strange things in the take playback?