Errors in .generated.cpp when moving to 4.2

In VRShooter.h

#pragma once

#include "Engine.h"
#include "EngineKismetLibraryClasses.h"
#include "VRShooter.generated.h"

#define COLLISION_PROJECTILE	ECC_GameTraceChannel1

namespace ESixenseJoyDirection
	enum Type
		JoyUL	UMETA("UL"),
		JoyUC	UMETA("UC"),
		JoyUR	UMETA("UR"),
		JoyDL	UMETA("DL"),
		JoyDC	UMETA("DC"),
		JoyDR	UMETA("DR"),
		JoyCL	UMETA("CL"),
		JoyCC	UMETA("CC"),
		JoyCR	UMETA("CR"),



>F:\GitHub\UnrealProjects\VRShooter 4.2\Intermediate\Build\Win64\Inc\VRShooter\VRShooter.generated.cpp(538): error C2146: syntax error : missing ‘)’ before identifier ‘CC’
1>F:\GitHub\UnrealProjects\VRShooter 4.2\Intermediate\Build\Win64\Inc\VRShooter\VRShooter.generated.cpp(538): error C2661: ‘UMetaData::SetValue’ : no overloaded function takes 2 arguments
1>F:\GitHub\UnrealProjects\VRShooter 4.2\Intermediate\Build\Win64\Inc\VRShooter\VRShooter.generated.cpp(538): error C2059: syntax error : ‘)’

This set of 3 errors repeat for every entry in the enum. They are thrown apparently by the .generated.cpp file, which I cannot make heads or tails of. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Getting rid of UENUM and UMETA stuff solves this, but is this how it is intended to be? Are those deprecated?



I’m using it like this and have no problems.