ERRORCODE:StaticMeshComponent0 has to be 'Movable' if you'd like to move

Hi there,
I just started a new project using the category “Architecture, Engineering and Construction”. I’m having problems when I try to move a blueprint actor. After simulating the project, I’m pressing the “space” button to get the drop-down menu, from the drop-down menu I’m choosing the “Move Transform feature” to move my blueprint around. However I keep getting this error. The same issue is happening with the “X-ray” option from the drop-down menu. The laser pointing the blue print asset isn’t working, or not considering the blueprint as a proper asset to apply these features on.

“ERRORCODE:StaticMeshComponent0 has to be ‘Movable’ if you’d like to move”

Using any static mesh without assigning a blueprint class on it, the whole project is working properly without any error. However, when I create a blueprint class on the same static mesh to simulate my physics, this above error is appearing.

Any idea to help out?

I already have the mobility option as moveable, this isn’t the issue for sure.

In the details of the mesh in your blueprint:



thanks it helped me