i’ve trying to package my project… it actually worked few days before just fine… but when i add niagara system to my project and tried to package it today it didn’t work… At first it showed me like “visual studio must be installed” (when i packaged previously i didn’t had visual studio at that time either but it worked then i don’t know why it suddenly asked visual studio) anyway i installed visual studio and tried to package it again but then it failed again. the output log is coming like this
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.58ms
LogTurnkeySupport: Project requires temp target (MovieRenderPipeline plugin is enabled)
LogLauncherProfile: Unable to use promoted target - …/…/…/…/…/…/Users/damar/Saved Games/Unreal Projects/Kurayami_Jo/Binaries/Win64/UnrealGame.target does not exist.
LogMonitoredProcess: Running Serialized UAT: [ cmd.exe /c ““C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.3/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/RunUAT.bat” -ScriptsForProject=“C:/Users/damar/Saved Games/Unreal Projects/Kurayami_Jo/Kurayami_Jo.uproject” Turnkey -command=VerifySdk -platform=Win64 -UpdateIfNeeded -EditorIO -EditorIOPort=50812 -project=“C:/Users/damar/Saved Games/Unreal Projects/Kurayami_Jo/Kurayami_Jo.uproject” BuildCookRun -nop4 -utf8output -nocompileeditor -skipbuildeditor -cook -project=“C:/Users/damar/Saved Games/Unreal Projects/Kurayami_Jo/Kurayami_Jo.uproject” -unrealexe=“C:\Program Files\Epic
Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe” -platform=Win64 -installed -stage -archive -package -build -pak -iostore -compressed -prereqs -archivedirectory=“C:/Users/damar/OneDrive/Desktop” -clientconfig=Shipping -nodebuginfo” -nocompile -nocompileuat ]
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Running AutomationTool…
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Using bundled DotNet SDK version: 6.0.302
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Starting AutomationTool…
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Parsing command line: -ScriptsForProject=“C:/Users/damar/Saved Games/Unreal Projects/Kurayami_Jo/Kurayami_Jo.uproject” Turnkey -command=VerifySdk -platform=Win64 -UpdateIfNeeded -EditorIO -EditorIOPort=50812 -project=“C:/Users/damar/Saved Games/Unreal Projects/Kurayami_Jo/Kurayami_Jo.uproject” BuildCookRun -nop4 -utf8output -nocompileeditor -skipbuildeditor -cook -project=“C:/Users/damar/Saved Games/Unreal Projects/Kurayami_Jo/Kurayami_Jo.uproject” -unrealexe=“C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe” -platform=Win64 -install
ed -stage -archive -package -build -pak -iostore -compressed -prereqs -archivedirectory=C:/Users/damar/OneDrive/Desktop -clientconfig=Shipping -nodebuginfo -nocompile -nocompileuat
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Initializing script modules…
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Total script module initialization time: 0.19 s.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Executing commands…
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Installed Sdk validity:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Win64: (Status=Valid, MinAllowed_Sdk=10.0.00000.0, MaxAllowed_Sdk=10.9.99999.0, Current_Sdk=10.0.18362.0, Allowed_AutoSdk=10.0.18362.0, Current_AutoSdk=, Flags=“InstalledSdk_ValidVersionExists, Sdk_HasBestVersion”)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Scanning for envvar changes…
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): … done!
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Cleaning Temp Paths…
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): BUILD SUCCESSFUL
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Setting up ProjectParams for C:\Users\damar\Saved Games\Unreal Projects\Kurayami_Jo\Kurayami_Jo.uproject
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): ********** BUILD COMMAND STARTED **********
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Running: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\DotNet\6.0.302\windows\dotnet.exe “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.dll” Kurayami_Jo Win64 Shipping -Project=“C:\Users\damar\Saved Games\Unreal Projects\Kurayami_Jo\Kurayami_Jo.uproject” -Manifest=“C:\Users\damar\Saved Games\Unreal Projects\Kurayami_Jo\Intermediate\Build\Manifest.xml” -remoteini=“C:\Users\damar\Saved Games\Unreal Projects\Kurayami_Jo” -skipdeploy -log=“C:\Users\damar\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Log file: C:\Users\damar\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_5.3\UBT-Kurayami_Jo-Win64-Shipping.txt
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Creating makefile for Kurayami_Jo (manifest ‘C:\Users\damar\Saved Games\Unreal Projects\Kurayami_Jo\Intermediate\Build\Manifest.xml’ not found)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Writing manifest to C:\Users\damar\Saved Games\Unreal Projects\Kurayami_Jo\Intermediate\Build\Manifest.xml
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Building Kurayami_Jo…
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Using Visual Studio 2022 14.43.34808 toolchain (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.43.34808) and Windows 10.0.18362.0 SDK (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10).
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): [Upgrade]
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): [Upgrade] Using backward-compatible build settings. The latest version of UE sets the following values by default, which may require code changes:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): [Upgrade] CppStandard = CppStandardVersion.Default => Updates C++ Standard to C++20 (Previously: CppStandardVersion.Cpp17).
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): [Upgrade] WindowsPlatform.bStrictConformanceMode = true => Updates MSVC strict conformance mode to true (Previously: false).
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): [Upgrade] Suppress this message by setting ‘DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V4;’ in Kurayami_Jo.Target.cs, and explicitly overriding settings that differ from the new defaults.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): [Upgrade]
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Determining max actions to execute in parallel (8 physical cores, 16 logical cores)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Executing up to 8 processes, one per physical core
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Requested 1.5 GB memory per action, 6.13 GB available: limiting max parallel actions to 4
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): ------ Building 4 action(s) started ------
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): [1/4] Compile [x64] SharedPCH.Core.Cpp17.cpp
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Detected compiler newer than Visual Studio 2022, please update min version checking in WindowsPlatformCompilerSetup.h
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Experimental\ConcurrentLinearAllocator.h(31): error C4668: ‘__has_feature’ is not defined as a preprocessor macro, replacing with ‘0’ for ‘#if/#elif’
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Experimental\ConcurrentLinearAllocator.h(31): error C4067: unexpected tokens following preprocessor directive - expected a newline
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Total time in Parallel executor: 2.99 seconds
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Total execution time: 4.95 seconds
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Took 5.08s to run dotnet.exe, ExitCode=6
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (C:\Users\damar\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_5.3\UBT-Kurayami_Jo-Win64-Shipping.txt)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): AutomationTool executed for 0h 0m 7s
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=6 (6)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error
LogDerivedDataCache: C:/Users/damar/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/Common/DerivedDataCache: Maintenance finished in +00:00:56.706 and deleted 0 files with total size 0 MiB and 0 empty folders. Scanned 29952 files in 29682 folders with total size 530 MiB.
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 368.716675
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 369.717163, Update Interval: 319.686279
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 692.768188
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 694.099243, Update Interval: 327.799927
can anyone help me how to solve this issue? thank you in advance