Error while receiving photos from smartphone camera

“LogTexture: Warning: Texture2D /Engine/Transient.Texture2D_2147482544 cannot be created, exceeds this rhi’s maximum dimension (4096) and has no mip chain to fall back on.”

When receiving a photo from a smartphone camera, this error occurs. When received from a selfie camera, it does not
happen. Please tell me what to do?

it seems your hitting the size limitation of the picture you are importing.
you have to lower the resolution of the camera to get this under 4096*4096

Can you please tell me if I can increase this limitation without changing the camera settings?
It would not be correct to ask the user to check the settings before using the camera.

Thank you in advance for your response!

no i meant you have to shange camera capture settings in your app, not ask the user to.
i think that limitation is from the engine itself (or maybe from android depending on platforms i guess) and might be hard to turnaround