Error while generating projectfiles

I was using version 4.4 and everything was working well.

Today I got some error that it cannot build the project because unrealbuildtool was not found. I tried something but couldn’t do it. So i thought of reinstalling it.

So when I deleted all the files and tried reinstalling it, i got the following error.


I reinstalled my VS 2013 and restarted my pc then again compiled UE4.4 then everything worked…

And I had to installed UE4 in a different folder compared to where it was installed to make it work. Why does this happen?

Hi ,

Could you confirm that nothing changed in your Unreal Engine installation between when you upgraded to 4.4 and when this issue began occurring? Another user ran into the same error message when trying to build version 4.3 and it turned out to be their anti-virus software flagging the UnrealBuildTool as a security risk and quarantining it. If you run into the same issue again, take a look at your anti-virus software to make sure it is not giving a false-positive response to the UnrealBuildTool before trying to re-install the Engine.

When you mentioned that you needed to install the Engine in a different folder from where you had installed it previously, what error message were you seeing that made you have to do that?

I am telling you here exactly what happened from starting to the end.

I was working in Vs when I got the error unable to build. Then I tried to generate project files to rebuilt it but got the error unable to find UnrealBuildTool. Then I tried removing everything form UE4 folder and rebuilding it but got got the error which I linked.

And actually you are correct.

I added UE4 to the exclusion now though.

Hmm… I encountered the same screenshot above. So, here goes… I’m troubleshooting based on the comments pasted here.

I tried disabling my Avast Antivirus for 10 minutes so I could run the GenerateProjectFiles batch.

And it worked! Sln files have been generated.