Error while creating Package

So I made an archviz scene complete with cameras’ archvis character and all the blueprints that I need. The game runs fine when I play it in the Unreal itself but I tried to package it tonight and strangely I got an error with a material.uasset file.
Attaching a screenshot to explain.

I searched for the asset in Unreal and it was nowhere to be seen. so I checked for the file in the windows explorer and got no file by that name.
Googled for a solution and came across a solution (sort of). Created a new game and migrated all the levels from this game to my new game. Tried pacakaging the game but same error reappeared. But this time, the file is present in the Windows explorer but somehow doesn’t appear or load in Unreal.

Is there any way to see which object has this material applied so I can apply a new material to it? Or any other solution