hello everyone, I’m trying to build an small project for HTML5, but when i try to build it fails with an error. here is the log: LOG
I think the main problem has something to do with this specific line from the log:
No such file or directory
(“D:\Software Source\Unreal Engine
was expected to be an input file,
based on the commandline arguments
I have no idea what that file is and why it is not there.
F1 please.
I would double check that you’ve got that build downloaded correctly. That file should exist. Another option is to try disabling ICU in UEBuildHTML5.cs (look for UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileICU = true and set to false) but you should really find out why that file is missing
Why does the folder say version 4.4.0 ? I know that ICU wasn’t part of the engine release at that version. If you’re using the github release that HTML5 folder should be part of the files downloaded by the setup.bat script you run.