Error when trying to Identity Solve in MetaHuman

I get an error saying “Some active curves are placed outside the promoted frame area.” everytime I press MetaHuman Identity Solve. Does anyone have a solution to this? Can’t find anything online…

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Having the same issue at the moment. Running 5.1.1.

Also the same issue running 5.0.3.

Hey bro just try to uncheck curves that you are not using Active checker next to Visible


I got this a bit until I learned to USE THE FRAMES. So, let it auto find a few areas. Like between the lips and eye lids and disable the ones that don’t solve. Lock and hide the ones that are in place – and create a new FRAME. Turn the head and maybe do an ear – then disable and hide that. Do a new frame. Only mess with that which auto finds quickly and save the rest. You will want to move a few dots to places that are more correct, but I got everything with the front and side views and just not trying to get them all in one frame.