I get an error saying “Some active curves are placed outside the promoted frame area.” everytime I press MetaHuman Identity Solve. Does anyone have a solution to this? Can’t find anything online…
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Having the same issue at the moment. Running 5.1.1.
Also the same issue running 5.0.3.
I got this a bit until I learned to USE THE FRAMES. So, let it auto find a few areas. Like between the lips and eye lids and disable the ones that don’t solve. Lock and hide the ones that are in place – and create a new FRAME. Turn the head and maybe do an ear – then disable and hide that. Do a new frame. Only mess with that which auto finds quickly and save the rest. You will want to move a few dots to places that are more correct, but I got everything with the front and side views and just not trying to get them all in one frame.