Error when running GenerateProjectFiles.bat [Building from source]

Hi all,

I seem to have a problem generating the .sln for the engine. I have tried 14.3, 13.2, 15.0, on two different machines, to the same effect.

I installed the engine, unziped the source, ran setup.bat and then GenerateProjectFiles.bat → this used to work perfectly on engine v4.9 and below.

The error is the following:

"Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files…
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: A game project path was not specified, which is required when generating project files using an installed build or passing -game on the command line

GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: UnrealBuildTool was unable to generate project files.

Press any key to continue . . ."

If I build a C++ Project from the editor it creates it without any issues. It also compiles the CPP project without any issues. The problem seems to be on generating the solution for the engine.

Both my systems are windows 10 x64 Enterprise, and Visual Studio 2015 Pro

Do you have any idea why this occurs? And if there is any log file i can examine to solve this issue?

Kind regards


Try removing InstalledBuild.txt under Engine/Build folder and run your bat again. It works for me.


WOW. That solved it, mate!


I had the same issue when getting the source for unreal 5 and it worked too!! Thank you :slight_smile: