Error when packaging my project

I’m having a problem with both packaging and USB Debugging game to open it on my phone. My project is set up following this guide: Unreal Engine 4.27.2 Packaging For Android | Unreal Engine 4.27.2 Export Android Project - YouTube

When i try to open the game on my phone directly from Unreal Engine I get this error:
Log.txt (1.4 MB)

And when I try to package it i get this:
Log.txt (61.4 KB)

Hi XifeXy,

This error in your packaging log stands out to me:

ProcessResult.StdOut:   LogProperty: Error: FStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property 'StructProperty /Game/BP_MainSaveGame.BP_MainSaveGame_C:Items.Items'. Unknown structure.

ProcessResult.StdOut:   LogClass: Warning: Property Items of Items has a struct type mismatch (tag FallbackStruct != prop ST_ItemData) in package:  FObjectReader. If that struct got renamed, add an entry to ActiveStructRedirects.

Seems like taking a look at that Items struct might be a step forward.


Thanks! I managed do fix that error, but the game still can’t package.
Log.txt (61.7 KB)

its eaier to read if you screen cap so wee can see red
but this missing pin will hoop it:
ProcessResult.StdOut: LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: !FindPin(FFunctionEntryHelper::GetWorldContextPinName()) [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Editor/BlueprintGraph/Private/K2Node_FunctionEntry.cpp] [Line: 364]

Thanks, i managed to pack the game! But there is a problem while installing: install Grav2-Android-Shipping_universal.apk
Performing Streamed Install
adb: failed to install Grav2-Android-Shipping_universal.apk: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED: Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/vmdl2099946464.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #53): com.epicgames.ue4.SplashActivity: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that an explicit value for android:exported be defined when intent filters are present]

use sidequest or adb

Sorry but I do not understand what that means, I’m new in game making

if you make an apk

plug the phone in and transfer the apk over
then install the apk from on the phone

I did what You said, but when trying to open .apk on the phone I’m getting: an error occurred during package analysis

back to the logs then

remove these plugs first
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘UdpMessaging’ for platform/configuration
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘PixWinPlugin’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘XCodeSourceCodeAccess’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘ContentBrowserFileDataSource’ for platform/configuration
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘LuminPlatformFeatures’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘MagicLeapMedia’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘MagicLeapPassableWorld’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘MagicLeap’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘OnlineSubsystemIOS’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘PostSplashScreen’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘SteamVR’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘PixWinPlugin’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘XCodeSourceCodeAccess’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘ContentBrowserFileDataSource’ for platform/configuration
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘LuminPlatformFeatures’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘MagicLeapMedia’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘MagicLeapPassableWorld’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘MagicLeap’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘OnlineSubsystemIOS’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘PostSplashScreen’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor
ProjectUtils.ConfigureEnabledPluginForTarget: Ignoring plugin ‘SteamVR’ due to unsupported platform in plugin descriptor

and find the bp node where this pin is failing
ProcessResult.StdOut: LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: !FindPin(FFunctionEntryHelper::GetWorldContextPinName()) [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Editor/BlueprintGraph/Private/K2Node_FunctionEntry.cpp] [Line: 364]

both of those will frack it.

How is this fixed? I’m running into this now and can’t seem to figure out where the issue is.