Error when opening a packaged project

Hi, everyone
I’m developing a PC game, package a game and when I launch a packaged game I get this error:

Assertion failed: IsInGameThread() [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\HeadMountedDisplay\Public\IHeadMountedDisplayModule.h] [Line: 90]

Here is an Output log file:

I’m using UE 5.1

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Hi, I am having the same issue? Did you have any luck in resolving this?

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Has anyone found a solution to this?

Sorry for late reply, In my case, the problem was that I had errors in the project and when I fixed them, I never had this error again

In my case, the problem was that I had errors in the project and when I fixed them, I never had this error again

For anyone facing this, im using ue5.1, with asyncs loading screen plugin, in my case, my first video has audio, and the crash happends at the second vid which has no audio, so just load videos with audio and place the video almot at content folder