Hi everyone, i`m installed VRM4U plugin to UE 4.22,on packaging in editor I see error “Could not find definition for module ‘VRM4U’ (referenced via default plugins → VRM4U.uplugin)”, please tell me how to fix this error?
There probably incompatibilities inside *.Build.cs, not long time there was core changes in there and for long time UBT throw deprecation warnings, os it might be related to that. It hsould look like this:
using UnrealBuildTool;
public class VRM4U : ModuleRules
public VRM4U(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
I had the same error recently when trying to add a new C++ class to a project containing VRM4U. I was able to fix it by downloading VRM4U’s source code from https://github.com/ruyo/UnrealEngine_VRM4UPlugin (you must be signed in and have access to UE4’s source code) and adding its Source folder (which includes a few .Build.cs files) to \Engine\Plugins\VRM4U.
Once I did that, everything went back to normal and I was once again able to run UE4 from Visual Studio.
I hope that helps!
Same as the poster above, packaging issues can be resolved with the source code, and in some instances compiling in Visual Studio. Here is a walkthrough on it; Fix VRM4U & VRoid packaging errors in Unreal Engine | Tutorial on how to compile in Visual Studio - YouTube