Hi, i got a problem when i want to cook or package my project for windows 64 bits. Everything works before i add effects in my blueprint. I think i did wrong the migration of effects file from an other project, an now in the log i see thathe couldn’t find some files of effects (the path he is searching is wrong). I add the log in attachement, if anyone could help me, it’d be nice ! [link text][1]
[2016.06.10-05.00.53:262][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler HeroTTP_AnimBlueprint] Error HeroTTP_AnimBlueprint - The skeleton asset for this animation Blueprint is missing, so it cannot be compiled!
I would suggest deleting the intermediate, config and saved folders from the project folder. I would then try to package again. If you run into the same error, you’ll need to look for the skeleton asset for this animation blueprint, as it seems to be missing. Perhaps you accidentally deleted it when you were working within your project.
Thank you very much for your answer, the problem is solve. I solved it by deleting the folder of my effects, and migrate again, particle by particle that i wanted to use, and replace them one by one in my blueprints and maps.The problem came from the assets of the effects.
Thank you anyway for your answer !