Error trying to read my widget reference

Hi, thank you very much in advanced for your help.

I’m having trouble getting a variable from a widget to be read by my actor blueprint. I have a button set up that is linked to a variable called “Character Selected” in my widget blueprint as you can see below. This should be setting the integer to 1.

I am then calling all actors of class of the blueprint where the widget is being called, and i’ve made it into a variable called widget reference there, so this should allow communication between the actor blueprint blueprint shown below and my widget blueprint shown below.

I assumed that when I click the button for Alpha it would also set the Character Selected integer to 1, in turn setting the damage and attack to 1 for my actor blueprint (this button works, for example it is setting the widget blue print to have it’s visibility as hidden once Alpha is clicked)

Unfortunately i’m getting this error and it is not waiting for me to click anything before it sets both the attack and defense to 0. It sets those right away when the game starts. Am i using the wrong event to trigger this? Thanks again.

Still struggling with this, does anyone see something that doesn’t look right in my blueprints?

I think i fixed this buy building my functionality into the widget blueprint instead of in my actor blueprint. There i set it to set the damage and current health based on the on click event there by calling my actor from class. Will post again here if it ends up not working, but don’t want someone to have to work through it in case it’s fine.