ERROR: There can be only one Game target per project

Hello Everybody

Has somebody experienced this log error? i’m not able to package the project.

I found this post but the procedure is not clear.

Thanks in advance for your help! :slight_smile:

Problem solved…all was in the link i have posted

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that link doesnt work, how did you fix this?

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It’s because you probably renamed your .uproject file at some point.

Go to *[PROJECT NAME]\Intermediate\Source* and delete all the files that start with your old project name and keep only the files that start with your new project name.


Thank you! I duplicated a project to make different adjustments and had this error - It is all fixed now.

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I deleted intermediate folder then opened binary folder and renamed all the beginning files there with my game name.

You need to delete the Intermediate folder in your Project Folder. It’s got a reference to the old name.

I found the solution to this error. For me, it was caused by me renaming the project, which made it create duplicate .Build.cs, .cpp, .target.cs files under the new name.

I renamed everything back to the original names, then removed the duplicate .Build.cs, .cpp, .target.cs files that are located in the “source” folder (saved these just in case).

After that, it solved the problem.