Error SM5 after re-assigning material to another mesh?

That’s good to hear. I’m glad this has helped some people on here

The usage flag checking itself can be disabled if you have someone that knows how to get into the engine to do it, I personally don’t know how. But our GFX Programmer decided to stop the engine from automatically checking the usage flags on an old game we made a few years back. It meant having to explicitly check it each time you made a material used for anything other than the default usage, but tbh, it wasn’t that much of a headache. And if things broke, 9 times out of 10 you just knew where to look, it also keeps your materials slightly cheaper as those flags turn on more instructions/functionality in the shaders, and people were always testing materials out on different things, each time another usage flag would get checked that you didn’t need checked, another tip from my old GFX Programmer.

It makes totally sense working per not instaced assets, that is our case here (material aplicated in different static and skeletal meshes)
Worked perfectly at UE5 EA, Thank you!

You’re great bro thanks

GpuSkinVertexFactory.ush (33.9 KB)
Overwrite this files
restart your editor.

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Thank you so much! This fixed the issue for me in 4.26