Error: RunUAT.bat ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully. Cannot build.

Hi, I’m not able to build my project anymore because of this error. Surfing on google i only found this solution:
"“Switch the configuration of UE4.sln from “Development Editor” to “Development””

But i only have “development” and “shipping” options to select.

Here a full log file if you need it.
Please help.

Uh i am getting exactly same error. Also cannot find solution or even cause for this.

My projects deploy just fine for ipad, samsung tab, and nvidia tab, however my newest toy iPhone refuses to work with unreal.
I think i registered it correctly (same setup as ipad which worked).

There are also few more problems with latest unreal i have:

  • some mysterious slow downs, unreal cpu usage on 4 cores raises from usual 20% to 80-90 on all cores. This happens for hour or two then everything is fine for a day
  • my project got corrupted and i got “cannot save actor” problem, when i delete it i get cannot save for another, something like that was present in ut3 and udk.
  • redirectors are a plague in my projects, this stuff should be fixed or kept in check, i think above saving problems are caused by redirector hell.

Ps. I think this topic should get better attention in feedback subforum, so i am moving it there

I’m trying re-installing Android sdk from tadp.
I’ll let you know if I found anythig. By now i cannot compile for any device. ::

Hi noblex,

Please check our mobile troubleshooting guide

If the error you are experiencing is not listed or the steps listed do not fix your error, please post to the answerhub at in the bug reports section following the guidelines listed on the troubleshooting guide. Thank you!

I always packaged my progect without any problem until now. I tryied the solution proposed (which is basically re-install Android SDK) and doen’t work. I also setted up anothe PC and tryied to compile again. Same error.
Don’t know what to do.
I don’t wanna waste months of work.

Howdy noblex,

Have you by chance made a post about this on our AnswerHub? If so, would you be able to share a link to the issue so that I may be able to further investigate what may be occurring?

Could you provide some additional information as well? Information like whether you are using Source or Binary, if this issue occurs for all projects you currently have, and can you replicate this issue with a blank template project?

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!

[=Sean Gribbin;256652]
Howdy noblex,

Have you by chance made a post about this on our AnswerHub? If so, would you be able to share a link to the issue so that I may be able to further investigate what may be occurring?

Could you provide some additional information as well? Information like whether you are using Source or Binary, if this issue occurs for all projects you currently have, and can you replicate this issue with a blank template project?

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!

Hi Sean Gribbin, I try to answer you in order:

  1. I posted this question on the AnswerHUB as well, here’s the I have no answer yet.
  2. Additional information…I tryed to compile on my working notebook wich is an MSI GS70, equipped with an i7-4710HQ, 8GB of RAM, and a GTX860m as well as my private desktop which is equipped with an i7-920, 12GB of RAM and a GTX770. I failed the build on both system. I built with no problem many times to test my project and always used the binary version of UE4. I am currently also with the latest update 4.7.3.
    I’ve just tryied now to create a new project with starter content, put a couple of base shapes into the scene and built, i didn’t receive errors (some warning, but i guess they are due to not having setted up any configuration)
    Do you need anything else?
    Thank you very much.

UPDATE: I just found out I have the same problem also when compiling a BLANK project with nothing inside it

Update-2: I unistalled everything (UE4, android sdk ecc) and reisntall with a clean installation. Still can’t build a blank project. Same RunUAT problem.

please upload your live log …

What is a live log? Is the log i get when compiling? Here you are :slight_smile:

I just opened my project and select package for android(all). No further action.

Bump help me

Hi noblex,

I see that some of our staff are already assisting on your answerhub post. Please continue the conversation there as keeping the information in two separate locations can make it difficult to parse the information and assist you. Thank you!

i just started experiencing this same problem after upgrading to 4.7 and it happens on every machine i work with… regardless of the project… this is ridiculous.

i think the best way to fix this problem after compile in development_game is this …
you must have a clean project from what template you have … then compare that project every folder and files to your project and delete every additional files and folders that engine created and stored in your project folder, you must know what files you created … almost files that user created are stored in Content and Source folder …
by this solution you can cleanup your project folder …

Possible Solution to fix the problem

I think i have possible solutions for runAUT.bat ERROR: AutomationTool could not run successfuly.
If you have these types of problem = Cant package it on android etc…

  • Please check your SDKs in Visual 2013/2015 because some SDK’s you installed are somehow wrong platforms for your game
  • If you look closely at the runAUT.bat batch codes or Automation Tools.exe they give the same errors but why?
    – maybe it is the cause of missing important files?
    – maybe the Batch codes are miswritten for some reason.
    For Questions like “Failed to Package level” etc…
  • Make sure you check your BP widgets and Codes for it
  • Goto Visual 2013 and right click the Assets / map to Build (if that is possible) or change development editor to development.
  • Goto settings>projectsettings>maps&modes and check that you are actually missing something there and it might the cause of server fail.
  • You can maybe delete the file called “Substance plugin” and it will fix the problem just goto Epic games launcher > UE4 > Library > Installed Plugins > Substance Plugin right click that and click delete.
  • You can try disable some SDK’s which can be a wrong platform for your game!

Thats all i can do for you. Showing log is not helpful for me

My problem solved !
Yesterday I install the Substance texture plugin for UE4.10,and this morning I have the problem of “RunUAT.bat Error”.Then I close the Substance plugin (Go to the “Edit/Plugins” to uncheck it) And SOLVE the error!
I’m not sure you guys also have the same cause,but for me it works.

Was also a signing problem for me with UE 5.5.
It was looking for the path to the .keystore file.

Afterwards it additionally complained about Java 17 version to be used instead of Java 11.