after packaging the project into HTML5 and run it i end up with this result
I tried reducing the project size as possible, but no change.
the weird thing tho, I had an older project that i was able to run in html5 the size was much larger than my latest project.
any help, please.
When you get an error like that, it means that the heap size for the project was too small and the page ran out of memory. Try adjusting the heap size in the project packaging settings, or probably a bit faster, edit the generated .html file and find the place where the line TOTAL_MEMORY is set. It looks like you had 1024MB of heap size set, which was not enough. Try using a value of 1536MB, or at most 2032MB (theoretical maximum).
There is a big change going from UE 4.15 to UE 4.16 regarding memory usage, which landed to GitHub master branch 4 days ago ( In UE 4.15, game asset files would be counted towards this TOTAL_MEMORY heap size, i.e. all assets would be stored inside the game heap. If the game has hundreds of megs of assets, that would cause a lot of memory pressure to the heap. In UE 4.16, the game assets will no longer be part of the heap, but they will live in their own memory structure. This can reduce the size of the needed heap size by quite a bit.
If you set TOTAL_MEMORY to 2032MB and the project runs fine with it (a 64-bit web browser is definitely required, 32-bit browsers will not be able to do that big allocations), you can open the web browser console and type in
at page run time to query how much of the heap memory is currently being used. This gives an idea of how large heap size your project needs. After moving from UE 4.15 to UE 4.16, you should see the above value become much smaller, since asset files no longer contribute to this size.
I did increase the heap size but still getting the same result, I will probably wait till I can get the 4.16 to see if that changes anything.
when I searched for the TOTAL_MEMORY I found
it was the only result.