Error regarding Animation Blueprints

So i’ve been getting the same error when i try to create a pawn and set a animation blueprint onto it.
Anyone knows a fix?
This blueprint is the blueprint that came with the character but ive tried the ThirdPersonAnimation one and does the same thing

Hey @ImDomo,

It looks like the animation blueprint is having a hard time accessing the character movement component in your pawn blueprint. If this blueprint is using a standard Unreal skeleton, try attaching it to the standard Unreal Mannequin and see if that works. If it does, the issue is with the pawn you are trying to attach to.

If you need to add the default unreal mannequin to your project, click the Add button on the top left corner of your content drawer and choose Add Feature or Content Pack. Then just add the third person content pack to get the starter content which includes the mannequin.

Please let me know what you find, and good luck!