Error : RayTracingDevice->CreateStateObject()

Hello !

I updated my project from 5.4 to 5.5 and now only in shipping build mode I have this crash when I launch the build:

LowLevelFatalError [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 991]
RayTracingDevice->CreateStateObject(&Desc, IID_PPV_ARGS(Result.GetInitReference())) failed
at D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12RayTracing.cpp:663
with error E_INVALIDARG

Everything is updated (Nvidia Driver, sdk, etc)
I understand it’s from DirectX12 / Ray Tracing but for this project I can not really remove ray tracing. Any suggestion except to wait for a patch from unreal or nvidia ?

EDIT : After some research, when the build is launched this file is created in saved folder : XXXX_PCD3D_SM6.upipelinecache

If I delete it, the build works but create another one, making crash the second launch. PSO seems to be the problem.

Thanks for your help


Add this line in DefaultEngine.ini prevent the creation of the file


Currently have the exact same error after switching to 5.5.

The r.ShaderPipelineCache.Enabled=0 didn’t fix it.

I lied, it does fix it. Thanks.

i have the same issue, i cant seem to fix it. Can someone help

Try to delete YourProjectName_PCD3D_SM6.upipelinecache in your saved folder (appdata/local/ YourProjectName/saved/)

And add in your defaultengine.ini :


It’s a temporal solution because PSO is now removed. Can decrease performance depending of your project. So keep in mind it’s a quick fix to remove later when it will be fixed


I have the exact same issue after switching my game to 5.5

Is it solved? I have the same problem, it only works when the RHI is DX11 or DX12 SM5 mode.

It worked, thank you for providing the method.

that worked thank you thank you thank you!!

Hello, I would like to ask which file should these two codes be added to, and what is its file path?


Another thing you could do is just replace the file “YourProjectNamePCD3D_SM6.upipelinecache” with an empty read-only file with the same name and extension (just make a txt and rename all, delete the culprit one).



To confirm UE 5.5.1 also has this issue.

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I love these types of primitive but magnificent solutions! It works flaslessly, thank you!

Hi. Thank you a lot for the fix !

However it’s working just one time. I replaced the culprit file with a txt file with the same name and it worked the first time I launched MyProject.exe (the build I made for my game):

When I close MyProject.exe, it automatically delete this txt file and create again the original culprit file:

Do you have a solution which can be permanent ?