Error R-1603

Seems to have the same result. Here’s the logs: [Logs][1]
[1]: 75290-newlogs.rar (30.1 KB)

Has this been resolved? If so, can you share your workaround?

Same result, as I said. As in same error, not resolved.

I’m getting pretty much the same error. I don’t know why so many people are having this problem and Epic has no idea how to fix it.

I fixed it for my system. I don’t know how this happened, on a fresh install of Windows 10 no less, but somehow my permissions were completely screwed.

Here is the steps I used to have everything install correctly without anymore 1603 errors or DirectX fails:

Open My Computer and right click on the system drive (C: in my case, even though I was installing it to D:), click on Properties.

Click on the Security tab, and then click on Advanced. Ensure the SYSTEM user is there and that it has Full Permissions (mine did, so I didn’t think anything was wrong).

Even if it already has Full Permissions, click on “Change Permissions” on the bottom with the UAV shield icon on it.

On the bottom of this screen, after ensuring SYSTEM has full permissions, check the box at the bottom that says “Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object.”

Click Apply and it might ask you to once again grant it permission and then it will go through all files and folders on your system drive and re-apply those permissions.

It will throw errors about the pagefile and other things saying it can’t modify those, which is fine. Those are all files that are currently in use by the system and don’t want to touch those anyway.

After it completes, or during it may say the Recycle Bin has become corrupted and you will need to empty it. Go ahead and click OK and everything should be good to go.

Like I said, there isn’t any reason a fresh install of Windows shouldn’t have the System account have full access to everything. It’s really weird. Hopefully the admins here can add this to their toolkit to help with people experiencing these weird errors.

Hi Shade Vortex, I’ve been assigned to look into your issue and I wanted to thank you for the time you spent collecting and providing all the logs. They are very helpful. The error code is rather generic and can cover a number of issues so the logs really help here. Chances are that other users in this tread are running into something different but I can’t confirm without logs. In short, your issue is caused by our prerequisites installer failing to install DirectX on your system. It is timing out for some reason. This is odd because we just package up Microsoft’s DirectX installer so we are at its mercy. With the current launcher setup I don’t have a workaround for you but I will add something that will let you bypass the problem. This will be available with the next launcher release. I’ll continue to investigate the DX issue to see if we can’t pinpoint the problem further.

If you would like to try something in the mean-time, you can grab the DirectX End-User Runtimes installer from here:
Install that and see if it is successful. If so, try the launcher installer again. The DirectX install workflow is a bit unique so this is a longshot but probably worth a try.

Hi 0xFAN, Sorry you are running into the issue. Thanks for providing the logs though, super helpful in pinpointing the problem. There are similarities between your issue and the issue the original poster is having but the underlying cause seems to differ which is why we typically prefer a separate thread to be started. Your issue is similar because you are seeing the R-1603 error code. This tells us that the prerequisites installer failed. Further investigation of your logs shows that DirectX failed to install. This is also similar with the original poster. The difference is that your DirectX install failed with code: -9. We’ll look into better relaying this info to the user in future releases.

We have seen DirectX return code -9 in the past but finding meaningful info on why it would return -9 has proved rather difficult. The short answer is that I don’t know. Yet.

As I posted above, we don’t have a workaround with the current launcher setup. I will add something that will let you bypass the problem. It will be available next launcher release.

With the release of the latest Epic Games Launcher, comes a new workaround for this issue. NOTE: This workaround only applies to issues with the launcher prerequisites installer(LauncherPrereqSetup_x86.exe or LauncherPrereqSetup_x64.exe). If you are having problems installing prerequisites for engines or other products, this is not the thread for you.

  1. Manually download and install DirectX from here:
  2. Install [Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)][2]. On 64bit Windows also install [Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64)][3]
  3. Install [Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012][4]. On 32bit Windows install vcredist_x86.exe. On 64bit Windows install both vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe.
  4. Install [Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013][5]. On 32bit Windows install vcredist_x86.exe. On 64bit Windows install both vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe.
  5. Install the latest Launcher and if you encounter Error R-1603 hit OK
  6. Right click on your Epic Games Launcher desktop shortcut and select Properties. Under the Shortcuts tab, find the Target field and add this to the end of it(pictured below): -SkipBuildPatchPrereq
  7. Double click the desktop shortcut.
  8. As soon as you are able to get into the launcher after self update completes, close it and remove the -SkipBuildPatchPrereq flag from your shortcut. Startup the launcher again.

Thanks, this -finally- worked. I did all the steps but the one that fixed the problem was skipping the building of the prerequisites. It’s too bad it took this long for this issue to be resolved, the free month of Shadow Complex is long over- it was the main reason I wanted to install Epic Games Launcher. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll make use of it later…

Thanks a lot!


Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. You should now be able to download Shadow Complex. Enjoy!

Thank you very much helped!

OMG! Was struggling with this and this finally worked. Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot! It works well!