[Error] Please contact the Blueprints team!

Greetings. I have a rather large GUI for a project that has been compiling fine for about a year. A few day ago, Windows updated and rebooted automatically while my project was open. Any lost changes would have been inconsequential.

Anyways, I started up Unreal today, did some minor C++ changes and compiled the project. Everything compiled fine and I ran the game in the editor. I noticed that the GUI was buggy so I checked the logs and I saw this:

"Error Internal compiler error inside CreateExecutionSchedule (site 1); there is an issue with node/pin manipulation that was performed in this graph, please contact the Blueprints team!
Other than a few switch execution path warnings, this is the only error being generated by Blueprints and it is preventing the GUI Blueprint from properly compiling.

There are literally hundreds of bindings and functions in this GUI and I don’t really know where to start to debug this. I’ve tried setting “Jump to Error Node” for the compile options and that has no effect.

Does anyone have an experience with this? Or are on the blueprints team? Or anything :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Okay, the issue seems to be related to changing a UFUNCTION:

This works fine when compiled:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="GUI / Core Interaction")
void LoadTexture2dForAsset(const TAssetPtr<UTexture> &image);

But this produces the above error in Blueprints:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="GUI / Core Interaction")
void LoadTexture2dForAsset(TAssetPtr<UTexture> &image); 


It happens on hot reload (when you compile while editor open)? does it fix it self when you restart editor?

Thanks for the response. I’ve compiled in the editor, shut it down, relaunched and still get the error. Hrm.

Alrighty, so I shut down the editor and compiled in Visual Studio and it seemed to fix the problem. Will test a little bit more. Thanks!

Edit: For some reason, I got the error again. The only thing that seems to prevent it is changing the variable to a const. Just a weird error.

Hi irdc,

I created a simple project and was able to recreate the error message that you mentioned getting. However, I saw a couple other error messages as well that pointed to where the problem was, and the graph itself looked really strange at that point. Did you see any other error messages accompanying this one, or was this the only error message that was showing for you?

Hi ! Sorry for the late response. If I recall correctly, that was the only error I received, other than some switch warnings. The graph seemed otherwise normal.

Hi irdc,

I ran some additional tests with this, and with my setup I was not able to trigger the internal compiler error without having additional errors appear as well. The additional errors in my case were because removing const shifted the location of the TAssetPtr pin from one side of the node to the other, which messed up the original connection made to that pin.

I also noticed that not passing the parameter as a reference seemed to work fine without needing to use const. Is there a specific reason that you need to have the parameter passed by reference?

Hi irdc,

We have not heard back from you for a few days. Do you still need help with this issue? I will be marking this post as resolved for internal tracking purposes, but please feel free to add a comment and re-open this post if you need any additional assistance.