Error packing project.

When packing my project I get this error since yesterday:
somehow I can not do anything with it.

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] D:\MeinGame\UE_Refuge_ZoneUE5_2\Content\Maps\RefugeZone_P.umap: [Compiler] In use pin  Target  no longer exists on node  Get Base Summer Temperature . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin. from Source: /Game/Maps/RefugeZone_P.RefugeZone_P:PersistentLevel.RefugeZone_P

mpiler] In use pin  Target  no longer exists on node  Get Base Summer Temperature . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin. from Source: /Game/Maps/RefugeZone_P.RefugeZone_P:PersistentLevel.RefugeZone_P

I am still quite inexperienced is there someone who has a solution that I could use

Thank you in advance

Go into any blueprint, in the search box and look for

Get Base Summer Temperature

and then use the binoculars

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Oh, you first have to know how to get there… many many thanks again.