Hi everyone. I have a problem packaging my app for windows platform. I’ve managed to pack it the first time to test it out and after that everything I’ve changed in the app was that I implemented the UI and made some actor blueprints to switch out the objects when a button is pressed. And now it wont pack
I get the error that says: Ensure condition failed: NewMP.Mass > (1.e-8f) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Experimental\Chaos\Private\Chaos\MassProperties.cpp] [Line: 301] CombineWorldSpace: zero total mass detected
No, that doesn’t seem to be the problem for me. But thanks for the info!
Anyways I’ve come to some information that it can be collision of some of the static objects that can make the issue. I think collision is linked to Chaos Physics solver and that can make a problem. I will test it out and see
I have found a problem. It was the collision on some of the static meshes that were placed in blueprints. The solution was to remove and import collision again. I don’t know if it was a bug or something in settings was accidently changed but this solved it for me