Error Packaged build

Hi, How to fix this ? (when i run the .exe game file after a cooking and packaging for windows)

Assertion failed: Result [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\UObject\Stack.h] [Line: 360]

0x00007ffafc5c257d KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction [
0x00007ffafdf4aa58 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction [

Can you share more of the log, please?

Can you post the entire thing? I don’t see a fatal error.

Good lord, there are a TON of errors.

You need to go through them all. Most are missing or broken references.

An example:

[2023.12.06-22.54.47:844][ 0]LogStreaming: Warning: Missing Dependency, missing package import 0xF0000002E for package /Game/_Customs/Blueprints/AssemblyLines/RESOURCES/BP_QS_Book

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Lol it is probably a misunderstood on how to cook only the assets used in levels (“Directories to never cook”).
Where can i find a simple tutorial on that without having to includes every folders in cooking ?

I’m not 100% sure if you CAN do this. Maybe, but I do not know.

Unreal will search EVERYTHING, even stuff you do not use.

If you want to cook certain folders, then you should migrate them into a fresh project.

If you need for them to be in the project, itself, I think you’re out of luck.

I don’t know if you made the assets in your project, but if you did not, you should contact the creators and have them clean their assets up.

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Here is a feedback useful if you have the same issues:

After restarting from a blank project,
I added step by step each dependency and plugin and after packaging the game each time one dependency after one dependency :japanese_goblin:,
i found that some plugin like “Json to Struct and Json or Csv to datatable” canno’t be used into a Blueprint Actor component for the character player or you will get the packaging failed.
I had to move my blueprint nodes into the blueprint level map to get a successful packaging …


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