Hello everyone,
I’ve been encountering an issue with my Unreal Engine project. When I package my application using Unreal Engine 5.1, it works fine. However, after updating to UE 5.4.4, the package crashes at startup with a “Fatal error” message.
Using Visual Studio for debugging, I identified the “RigVM” plugin as the “source of the problem”. Disabling “RigVM” allows my project to run, but it also disables several other plugins:
- SequencerAnimTools
- FullBodyIK
- AnimationData
- ControlRig
- ControlRigModules
- ControlRigSpline
- IKRig
I’m curious if anyone else has encountered this issue. As a test, I created a blank level with the default GameMode and GameInstance settings and successfully packaged it. However, my project doesn’t utilize any animation or rigging features.
Thank you for any insights or suggestions!
Crash report client (5.4.4)
LogCrashDebugHelper: 0: PROJECT_NAME!FRigVMRegistry::IsAllowedType()
LogCrashDebugHelper: 1: PROJECT_NAME!FRigVMRegistry::FindOrAddType_NoLock()
LogCrashDebugHelper: 2: PROJECT_NAME!FRigVMRegistry::RefreshEngineTypes_NoLock()
LogCrashDebugHelper: 3: PROJECT_NAME!UE::Core::Private::Function::TFunctionRefCaller<FRigVMFunction_MathRBFVectorWeightFunctor,float __cdecl(UE::Math::TVector<double> const & __ptr64,UE::Math::TVector<double> const & __ptr64)>::Call()
LogCrashDebugHelper: 4: PROJECT_NAME!TBaseFunctorDelegateInstance<void __cdecl(void),FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy,TFunction<void __cdecl(void)> >::ExecuteIfSafe()
LogCrashDebugHelper: 5: PROJECT_NAME!TMulticastDelegate<void __cdecl(void),FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy>::Broadcast()
LogCrashDebugHelper: 6: PROJECT_NAME!FDelayedAutoRegisterHelper::RunAndClearDelayedAutoRegisterDelegates()
LogCrashDebugHelper: 7: PROJECT_NAME!FEngineLoop::Init()
LogCrashDebugHelper: 8: PROJECT_NAME!GuardedMain()
LogCrashDebugHelper: 9: PROJECT_NAME!GuardedMainWrapper()
LogCrashDebugHelper: 10: PROJECT_NAME!LaunchWindowsStartup()
LogCrashDebugHelper: 11: PROJECT_NAME!WinMain()