Hi all,
I simply want to duplicate a level/map. Then I get the following error message:
Can't save ../../../../../../Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/XXX/Content/XXX/Maps/test/Milestone03a.umap: Graph is linked to object(s) in external map.
External Object(s):
Try to find the chain of references to that object (may take some time)?
If I click “Yes”, then this is followed by this error:
The asset '/Game/XXX/Maps/test/Milestone03a' (Milestone03a.umap) failed to save.
Cancel: Stop saving all assets and return to the editor.
Retry: Attempt to save the asset again.
Continue: Skip saving this asset only.
If I click continue, the Editor displays the duplicated map, but strangehow not using the new name I gave it but the exact same name as the source map. Also there is not asset file on disc.
I am using Perforce for version control, the duplicated level is shown the branch symbol (
), which also does not make any sense to me.
There is nothing as the above mentioned external references, I searched the whole (hardly complex) project, searched the level blueprint. The reference editor also does not show anything like that. I tried a lot of things, renaming the source map, moving it to a different subfolder etc.
This is a real showstopper at the moment, I am quite desparate and cannot continue with that project.