Assertion failed: !bPostTickComponentUpdate [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\LevelTick.cpp] [Line: 907]
This popped out in the package version of my project, while it worked well in the editor. GPT said that i’ve done something illegal in the life cycle of actors, but i don’t understand. my project has always been working well for almost half a year, and this error just came out yesterday. Could anyone please tell me what this error means and how i could debug in blueprints?
I am getting the exact same error in almost the exact same circumstances. Worked fine for a long time now I get this exact error after packaging. My intro screen and load screen works but when It loads level 1 it gives me this error. I hope we can get some help with it
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since there’s nothing i could do with it, i’ve already traced back to earlier version and redone the things before