Hello. I can’t start up Epid Games Launcher and it’s so frustrating. I enabled program acces in firewall,all the network options and tried to add " -http=wininet" at the end of the path but i can’t click on apply because it says that that path doesn’t exist. Any tip that can help me? I’m getting nervous.
Hi WeirdOne,
Are you making sure to add it to the end like this?
Also make sure that you run the Launcher as admin. From what you tried you probably have the link below but I’m going to include it just in case.
A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums.
Still not working…
Can you check and see if you have any logs we can looks at? You should be able to find them here: C:\Users"Username"\AppData\Local\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved\Logs
link text
This is the last log.
Hi WeirdOne,
Looking through your logs it seems like the client auth request is failing with no response. Unfortunately this doesn’t give us enough information to figure out what exactly is causing the issue here. I’d like to get verbose logs on your issue but since you’re not able to get into the launcher itself we’d have to do this old school!
If you could help on this issue it would be a great boon to us here on getting this issue resolved for several users experiencing the same thing. I’d like to PM you personally through the forums to guide you through this issue for us if possible.
If you could, PM “Maximusdb3” on the Unreal Engine Forums I’ll help you out there.
-Max B.
Hi WeirdOne,
We’re investigating the libcurl error found in the verbose logs you provided and we have some follow up questions.
How are you connecting to the internet? Are you behind a proxy? (you can check by going here: http://amibehindaproxy.com/) are you going into offline mode after it fails to try and log you in?
I’m not behind a proxy and i can’t log in.
are you even able to get to the log in screen itself?
I don’t understand what you request me to do.
Yes,I am…
Sorry to give you the run around here but can you right-click the launcher and click on the properties and get us a screenshot of the properties tab like TJ’s?
Hi WeirdOne,
I apologize, my original screenshot above showed the incorrect path. It has now been updated.
Looking at yours, you will need to remove the quotation marks and leave the space.
Working now. Thanks!
I really need to get this working for me and have had zero luck with anything at this point