Error: ndk-build.cmd

Hi! Sorry for my English
Doing everything according to the instructions for working with Android.

And is not installed “IncrediBuild” of “codeworks”


In order to better assist you, could you please upload your error output logs as a .txt file? Please also let me know which versions of the engine you’ve tried and whether or not this happens on a blank project.


I use Unreal Engine 4.13.1.
In an empty project.

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111005-log.txt (199 KB)

Could you please show me screenshots of the following:

  • Project Settings > Android
  • Project Settings > Android SDK

Please also try to build for Android ETC1 or ETC2 and update me with logs.


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Please configure the project for the Android Platform by clicking ‘Configure Now’. Also make sure that you’ve updated your Android SDK as follows:


Hey ,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you!

Sorry! I couldn’t answer!.
I updated the Android SDK and configured as you wrote, but the error persists.

Please send updated screenshots and updated error output logs.


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113425-logs.txt (212 KB)

Please make sure that you have turned on the Android settings under Project Settings > Android. It also looks like you’re using: “D:\Program Files (x86)\android-ndk-r11c\extras” even though you have the NDK set for r12b. Please update your paths in your project for any updates you’ve done with .


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Update your Android SDK information to look similar to this example:


Then delete your Intermediate and Saved folders and try to package again.

Let me know how it goes!