Error: Multiple Configurations on command line

Hey guys i can not find an answer here. I am getting the follwing.

UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: Multiple configurations specified on command line (first Test, then Development)

I am following the A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums guide.

Hey Cayos,

The issue is likely that you named your project “test”. I ran into the same issue and solved it by creating a new project named “whatever”. Also, make sure that you running the server shortcut from the folder “WindowsNoEditor\whatever\Binaries\Win64”.

Hope that helps.

That issue waste my time for 2 hrs … many thanks for addressing it … ; ] ,

TL;DR - Check your whole file structure and remove any characters that could be misinterpreted by the command line (", ', and \ primarily).

It has been 5 years, but if you find your way here on this issue or a similar one I may finally have a full solution. I was receiving a similar error claiming that there were “Multiple project files specified on the command line”, and I couldn’t find a solution anywhere.

Turns out, there was an apostrophe in a folder name way up the chain and when the build tool copied the filepath into its command it did not escape that character and interpreted it as the end of the quoted path. Check your whole file structure and remove any characters that could be misinterpreted by the command line (", ', and \ primarily).

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You are a life saver! Thank you!

I am 102% homophobic and youre probably a male but I could kiss you a thousand times right now

man i really do wish u all the best things in life with the best health and long age and everything u wish
thank u a lot i love you !!!