Error: Missing Modules (Plugin)

I have installed a plugin called '“Frameplay” and Enabled it in my project and when i restarted my project it shows “Missing Modules” it do not loads the project and instead a window appears:


Here is the official frameplay installation Guide which i have tried : [Unreal Engine Quick Start | Frameplay SDK][2]

So what are the steps to resolve this Error!

Hi @shivansh pandey2

Open Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.modules
Copy BuildId number into \Engine\Plugins\Frameplay\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.modules
Check screenshot recommendation from [Unreal Engine Quick Start | Frameplay SDK][1]

Also try this:

Create C++ project and Plugins folder
Copy Frameplay plugin into Plugins folder
Try build project.

If any problem let me know.
My discord Andrew Bindraw#9014

doing this crashed unreal :

see this detailed crash report:

Hm, this is strange, for me blank C++ project opened with plugin without crash [UE 4.26.2]
Can you upload crash logs?
Can you upload your test project?

For fast replay DM me
My discord: Andrew Bindraw#9014

Also add this:

  1. Open file .Build.cs add module Frameplay

    PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { “Core”, “CoreUObject”, “Engine”, “InputCore”, “Frameplay” });

  2. Open TestActor.h add

    UFrameplayDataAsset *FPDataAsset;