Error: Missing Focus Modifier

Hi there, i have the following error when connecting my Iphone to Unreal. I can use the phone as a virtual camera no problem but i have focus issues. Error below:
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [VCam2UI_C_5] WARNING: Missing Focus Modifier

thanks in advance.

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Have you marked Is Active true?


I’m also having the same issues. Also with Thumbstick modifiers, lens, auto focus, VCam 2 Lens Modifiers etc. I used the exact same UMG Overlay and settings as you did in your screenshot, @V0L4T1LE

Any idea how to solve this? I’m running 5.1.1 and i’m having the same problem.
Seems like all the modifiers are not found although there are enabled.

Thank you.

Anyone found a solution to this?