Error Message: Multi Process ended and consumed all the tasks when Importing 3DXML Files via Python Script

I’ve encountered an issue while attempting to automate the import of 3DXML files using a Python script via the command line (Commandlet) in Unreal Engine. Some of my files are quite large, but I’ve been able to successfully import them using Datasmith directly within Unreal Engine (without scripting). However, when I attempt to import them using the command line, I encounter the following error message:

LogDatasmithDispatcher: Display: Multi Process ended and consumed all the tasks

Is there a setting somewhere that may be blocking the usage of too many resources or if there is something else I might be doing wrong?

That is a success message: all the import tasks have been processed.

What makes you think the import failed? Do you have other messages?

You are actually correct; sorry for the confusion.
I have now realized that the problem was actually caused by:

 DatasmithLibrary: Error: Cannot find Static Mesh

which I believe is then causing the program to crash when I try to save the meshes in this piece of code:

    result = datasmith_scene.import_scene(destination_folder)
    # Save imported static meshes and materials assets
    for static_mesh in result.imported_meshes:

        for i in range(static_mesh.get_num_sections(0)):
            material_interface = static_mesh.get_material(i)

            material_parent = material_interface.parent

Thank you for the help

not sure why a mesh would be not available.

at least a test could prevent the crash

  for static_mesh in result.imported_meshes:
        if static_mesh is None:
               print("Issue with Mesh")


Yes, that’s exactly what I did.
I’m not sure why some meshes are causing issues, but I noticed that they weren’t available even with the standard Datasmith import.

Thank you again for your response.

Would you be able to share some of the files containing the meshes that do not appear in UE?
Or else the full import log to see what might be happening.

if you are on 5.3 you could try the Techsoft Tessellator instead of CADKernel:
ds.CADTranslator.DisableCADKernelTessellation true

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