Error message I cannot get around

When uploading images for 2d or 3d processing from a drone, I have been getting this message (last 6 months) " The Largest set of aligned images does not contain 75% of cameras of all images". It is not the drone or images as I have been using other sites to process and it has been working fine. How can I get around this?

Hi Brucewithamap,
are you processing your data using Start button?
If I remember correctly, this is just the warning, that not all of imported images are in the main component. This depends on the way how the images are captured and if they can be aligned.
What do you see in 1Ds view? Are there also other components? If so you can use Merge georeferenced components function in the Alignment settings or control points to align more images.

I am going to run a new simple set and watch the process including 1Ds view. I am using the Map Wizard here. Nothing fancy. Will get the results and get back here

This image is from 1Ds view. I ran a new set and kept it simple. Still got the same message. I ran the same set in ODM Lightning. No errors but only a third of the images were processed.

Hi Bruce, as I wrote, it is just the warning, that not all images were aligned into one component and the biggest component consist of fewer than 75% of all your images.
Your biggest component has 103 images (according to your description it is the same in other soft).
So, it seems that there is insufficient overlap between images.
What kind of flight are you providing with your drone? Are you using RTK drone?

I had 70% side overlap with a mavic air2s. I might note that I have been flying missions for about 3 years. However, this is a new drone for me. I had been flying with the P4P with good results. The route planner was DroneLink. Since the drone is 2nd hand purchase, could this be related to the drone itself? I have been experiencing this for a couple of months now

I would use minimally 75% overlap. But I don’t think it is drone related.
As the images are georeferenced, can you try to set Yes for Merge georeferenced components in the advanced Alignment settings and then align it again?

Yes, I will try that

It worked! I had no idea that was there. There were still a few gaps but next time I go out, I am going to increase the overlap and possibly the height as well. Slowing down might help as well. I am used to flying the P4P and never had problems. Thank you for helping with this… I have been dealing with the same error for a few months!

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