I have an error with a loop in BluePrint , I have seen several forums but have not been much help, I follow the instructions step by step but still gives me the error not know if it has to do with the version I’m using ( 4.10) , it is my first time with EU 4
I think it’s all there, if you need something else to see, let me know
It says it’s happening in the construction script, so please show the construction script’s content?
I just found the error in the Event Graph, was doing " Cast" the wrong actor, I have a duplicate actor, so choose the wrong one. Thank you for answering so quickly anyway
Hello, i also am having the same problem, can u pls tell me how you solved it.
Hi, if you see in the picture, in the event graph , I was doing CAST to runGamemode → "Add floor Titl " (without the E) , but at the beginning , I created another BluePrint actor and call it " Add floor title "(with E). My cast was for the wrong actor. just changed the cast to " add floor title " and boom.
Hope this can help you
Sorry for resurrecting an old post, but I ran into this same issue today. The weird thing is, it was working fine on Tuesday, and I had not changed a thing on it since then. But, when I opened it today, I got the same message you did. Infinite Loop detected in BP asserted during Construction Script. There is no code in my Construction script. There never was. Why is this not working all of a sudden when I have made no changes to my working code?
hi, you sure that nothing changed? you deleted something, some node, actor?? if you are doing the same tutorial than me, just watch your code, my´s errors was only grammatical
Positive. Every time I open the project, I have a habit of test playing before I open a single BP, just to be sure it is all in working order. I got the error. After some process of elimination, I determined it only occurred when I attached the “Add Floor Tile” node to the section with the OnComponitOverlap node for the box trigger in the floor tile bp. When nothing I did fixed it, I tried starting a whole new file, and going through the tutorial videos step-by-step again. When I got the section in question in video 2, the same thing occurred.
show me some screenshot of the blueprint where you located The problem