error in reference variable


I am trying to test event dispatcher and communication from main event to listener event so I created these two blueprints

But I get the following error:
Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property BossDiedRef". Node: Bind Event to On Boss Died Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph BP Event Listen Blueprint: BP_EventListen

How to fix this just to make event listener display only string message on the screen

how do they get into the scene?spawned or placed


then you could try putting a delay until next tick before binding the dispatcher.

I tried now to attach reference to the bind event but I get error from the reference variable

Your original boss ref is missing…use that one

have you used the straw tool to select the boss ref?

I fix it like this. message “event fired” displayed

other blueprint

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No. Selected the blueprint from the drop down menu