Hello everyone.
I have this error will not let me project package for Windows 7 64-bit , anyone know how to fix it ?
Could you please provide me with the full error output log as a .txt file? Were you packaging one of our templates or a project you’ve been working on? Please provide additional details.
93015-output.rar (278 KB)
the file is compressed, that exceeds 5 mb.
Then I I compressed to winrar
Looking over the log provided, it looks as though you have a lot of missing files within your project. Please delete your Intermediate, Config and Saved folders from your project folder. Proceed to open your project back up and then right-click in the content browser to select to fix up redirectors. After you’ve done that, please try to package your game again. Upload the new logs.
Can you also try to package a blank project and show me those logs as well?
93252-blackproject.txt (461 KB)
I did everything you told me , but I still throw the same error when trying to do with my project.
Your logs say that the build was successful. The warnings that are within your project state that some of the files that are in your project are missing still. Is your project calling any of those files? You might want to look through any code, blueprints, start-up movies and even the maps for your project. They could be linked somewhere in your project that’s causing these errors to pop up.
Let me know how it goes, thanks!
I think if you list your maps those warnings go away.
go to project setting>packaging>list of maps to include in a packaged build then click on that little plus then add your maps
and if you have another extra map like starter content’s map delete them.
Hey ,
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Thank you!