Error in offer description in italian version

Dear Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

I wanted to bring to your attention a discrepancy in the descriptions of your current offers. It appears that the dates and times have been reversed in the validity information. For example, one of the offers states: “offerta valida fino alle 17 settembre del 17:00.” This seems to be incorrect, as the date and time are swapped.

Could you please review and correct this issue to ensure clarity for your customers?

Thank you for your assistance.

Hey there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! This forum is meant for feedback regarding the Publishing Tools on the Epic Game Store. If this is feedback intended for the player experience on the Epic Games Store, we can get you in touch with the Player Support. Please check out the player support website here:

If this is in regards to releasing a product on the Epic Games Store, we would love to get additional information so we can document this feedback accordingly. Can you provide specifics about where you’re seeing this discrepancy?

Thank you! We look forward to hearing back about this!