Error in first person character blueprint

hey, i tried to make a double door open and close while following a tutorial but now my first person blueprint suddenly shows an error -Could not find a function named “Open_door” in ‘BP_FirstPersonCharacter’.
Make sure ‘BP_FirstPersonCharacter’ has been compiled for Open Door
Can’t connect pins Object and Hit Actor : This cast has an invalid target type (was the class deleted without a redirect?). does anyone know how i can fix this? also now i can’t move my character when i hit play either

It seems like you removed or renamed the class that you are casting to. Try to delete that cast node and cast to the right actor.

It says ‘Bad Cast Node’ on your cast.
Try pulling off your hit actor and doing a new cast.

As a side note, you should look into Blueprint Interface if you’re not already using them. Casting get’s expensive after a while.

hey thanks for replying i actually fixed that but apparently none of my interactions work like opening a door or picking up a key

It’s difficult to diagnose the issue without a fresh screenshot.
Let’s tackle one thing at a time.
Throw some breakpoints on those nodes, and make sure the graph is actually reaching the ‘open door’ node.

Okay, so it looks like you’re trying to use two different approaches here.

Those ‘on Overlap’ nodes in your BP_Entry_Door are a completely different function from the ‘Open Door’ function you’re calling in your BP_FirstPersonCharacter.

Ideally, if the doors are opening on their own when the player overlaps, you should have the door control itself (i.e. On overlap, detect if the overlapping actor is the player, and then do the thing).

If the doors require input from the player (hold E, push a button, etc), then you’d handle that from the BP_FirstPersonCharacter.

Those are just two examples. Which approach are you trying?

I am trying to have to press E to open the door

Okay, then you don’t need to be telling the door to look for an overlap, because the door isn’t deciding when it opens.

The door needs a function that makes it open,
and whatever is telling it to open needs to call that function.

So if the player uses E,
and the player is in range (or overlapping the doors area, or whatever criteria you want),
AND the door is not yet open,
trigger the open door function.

Again, try going into your First Person Character blueprint and placing some breakpoints. (Right Click, Toggle Breakpoint).
See how far into your graph it’s getting before it stops.

okay so before i had this blueprint i used a different tutorial that had similar stuff but it still didn’t work also I have a blueprint for picking up a key to open a safe door and even that is not working

Blueprint based interaction system that uses Interfaces.
Part 1 shows how to set up the press E to interact aspects.
Part 2 Handles doors
Part 3 Elevators
Part 4 Multi-Directional Doors