Error importing USD animation

I’m trying to import a .usd animation generated by Audio2Face. It gives me the following error when I try to do so. I have the Omniverse and USD importer plugins installed. I don’t know why it’s trying to access the nonexistent file on the C: drive mentioned in the error message. Please help!

LogOmniverseUsd: Warning: USD Error in pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::PlugPlugin::_Load at line 258 in file C:\USD_src\pxr\base\plug\plugin.cpp : Failed to load plugin ‘Omniverse USD Live Multi-Threaded Plugin’: The specified module could not be found.
in ‘d:/Unreal_Engine/UE_5.3/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/NVIDIA/Omniverse/ThirdParty/omni_usd_resolver/win64_release/release/omni_usd_live_v2.dll’

This plugin is managed by Nvidia, did you report that error to them?

That’s a good idea. I’ll do that. Thanks!

I contacted them, but soon after I found what I was doing wrong. I was dragging in the .usd file to the content drawer, instead of right-clicking and selecting Import USD Animation. Just thought I’d post this in case someone else was having the same issue.

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