error importing a mesh

Hello, this is my first post, I don’t know if my question belongs here, but when importing a mesh to version 5.5 it looks horrible, it’s as if it were all rounded. I am exporting from blender. I leave you the captures

in 5.4.4 it looks good

But in 5.5 it looks horrible, I don’t know if I have to modify something, or if I have to configure something when importing. Can you help me?

When exporting change smoothing to Face

Also it looks like in 5.5 you have no shadows. Either it’s the smoothing or ambient occlusion making “fake” shading. Check if your video quality preset is set to high or above.

I did what you told me, but the problem still exists.

Does your model look ok in blender? Did you try setting shade flat on the model?

The model is fine, in fact it is imported to 5.4 and it looks good, there is something about 5.5 that it exports that is so strange

I remember reading that the importer is changed for 5.5 that you need to specifically what type of mesh you are importing (it uses the new interchangeable pipeline).

Try importing it as a static mesh with turned off recompute normals & tangents


Maybe your normals are being recalculated wrong messing up the shading (have the importer stick to the original normals)

This is the solution, thank you very much!!!

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