Error: FMemoryWriter does not support data larger than 2GB

I had the same error… So, I’ve deleted all the Umaps files manually (from the same directory of the map files) once that the levels were not exactly dependable of lighmaps… And worked well, building the package with success…
What I suggest is to tweak the build process to avoid generating a umap file bigger than 2 Gb !

I’m having the same issue and nothing has fixed it (including deleting the Intermediate and Saved folders). None of map maps BuildData are actually over a few hundred megs with the exception of my largest map whose BuildData file is 1.24gb so still under the 2gb memory limit. I’m also trying to figure out if there’s a way of knowing which map is the problem? I was assuming it was the default map, but this might not be the case.
Any help would be appreciated, I’m trying to have my build ready next weekend.

Here’s an interesting update for anyone else who may have had this issue, in my case, it turns out that it wasn’t a specific map whose lightmaps were too large, but specific assets that I had purchased on the marketplace. Deleting all of my map files didn’t fix the problem, but systematically removing folders a few dozen at a time finally got my project to package, and then after about a dozen more attempts, I was able to narrow it down to 3 problematic asset folders. Removing these fixed the problem entirely. I’ve yet to add them back in, but my suspicion is that they include meshes with lightmaps that were set too high. I’ll post another update if/after I get them working again.

I’ve recently had this issue importing a HDA from houdini into UE 4.26.
Had no issues with the terrain previously and now its starting to give me this FMemory 2GB limit - so strange.
I dont even have any textures and/or lightmaps associated in the scene yet. My crash just happens in a brand new scene in UE - just when importing one hda terrain file.

Did anyone else find any solutions to this?