Hello. I try to import fbx objects and this is the result. It is an error that happens often and I don’t know why some meshes are semitransparent even if are basically identical to others. I don’t any receive error in the importing log.
It’s not a normal problem because I see their orientation is correct. I tried everything.
Exporting with many software with many setting and importing again but nothing.
The only thing that improve the situation is exporting the object in obj and next reopen it and export in fbx again. It improves but still there is something wrong about, so it’s not a solution. Also it’s an annoying process that if possible, I would like to avoid.
Thank you
Nobody can help about that? I think it’s a big issue for working properly
Hey there @Daniel_Mine! Looks like it might be an issue stemming from the material that imported with the FBX. Is the material itself set up with refraction or reflectance? Is the material itself translucent?
Hello. Asking around I think finally I’ve solved that.
It’s a problem of negative scale. I don’t know what it means, but I’m sure you do I attach a screenshot so would make it more clear. I can fix it manually in c4d, but would mean import everything in unreal, (usually I import intere scenes full of objects) select all the bugged object and manually fix them on c4d or 3ds max, and reimport everything. A waste of hours. I’m finding someone that can write a script to bulk fix negative scale in c4d but maybe you know a method to do it in unreal as well. In any case doing it manually is not a great option for me.
If the scale is frozen when it gets to unreal it would be a bit more of a pain to work it from this side. I think you’ve already got the right idea making a script to bulk process objects. In blender I’ve done a similar thing a long while back.