Error: Failed to build UnrealBuildTool in Manjaro (Unreal Engine 5.0.2)


I just replied the other thread about compilation error with the fix that is currently applied in the ue5-main. The dotnet line is missing some quotes.

This is the right line:
dotnet msbuild /restore /target:build /property:Configuration=Development /nologo "$BASE_PATH/../../../Source/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/UnrealBuildTool.csproj" /verbosity:quiet

Had the same error, solved it by installing dotnet.
sudo dnf install dotnet - For Fedora or other rpm distros


UE5 on Arch Linux

Just some personal in order to make Unreal Engine 5 compile on Arch Linux (25th of June 2022).

Don’t even bother trying to make the marketplace run. You gotta do that ■■■■ under Wine (Lutris is great for auto-setup) and copy assets over to your Linux drive.


sudo pacman -S dotnet-sdk xdg-user-dir clang make git
sudo pacman -S yay
yay -S libicu50 --noconfirm

Download binaries:


Generate build files:

SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt SSL_CERT_DIR=/dev/null ./


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