Error Failed import: SkeletalMeshComponent, ArrowComponent, CharacterMovementComponent

I have a blueprint of type Character named BP_Monster, and other two blueprints that are child of BP_Monster: BP_Spawn and BP_Zombie.

BP_Monster has character components: CapsuleComponent, CharacterMovement, ArrowComponent, and the SkeletalMeshComponent. All these component are inherited correctly by two children, until yesterday.
I started getting following error messages in the Message Log:

Error Failed import: SkeletalMeshComponent /Game/Blueprints/Monsters/BP_Monster.Default__BP_Monster_C:CharacterMesh0  in /Game/Blueprints/Spawn/BP_Spawn
Error Failed import: ArrowComponent /Game/Blueprints/Monsters/BP_Monster.Default__BP_Monster_C:Arrow  in /Game/Blueprints/Zombie/BP_zombie
Error Failed import: CharacterMovementComponent /Game/Blueprints/Monsters/BP_Monster.Default__BP_Monster_C:CharMoveComp  in /Game/Blueprints/Zombie/BP_zombie
Error Failed import: SkeletalMeshComponent /Game/Blueprints/Monsters/BP_Monster.Default__BP_Monster_C:CharacterMesh0  in /Game/Blueprints/Zombie/BP_zombie
Error Failed import: ArrowComponent /Game/Blueprints/Monsters/BP_Monster.Default__BP_Monster_C:Arrow  in /Game/Blueprints/Spawn/BP_Spawn
Error Failed import: CharacterMovementComponent /Game/Blueprints/Monsters/BP_Monster.Default__BP_Monster_C:CharMoveComp  in /Game/Blueprints/Spawn/BP_Spawn

Anyone have any idea of what could be causing these errors and how to fix them?

Hey Ghar,

Are your BP_Spawn and BP_Zombie blueprints referenced by other BPs? Are they referenced by Level Blueprint?

BP_Zombie is referenced by 1 other blueprint.

And BP_Spawn is referenced by 2 blueprints, one of them is actually Level Blueprint. But level blueprint graph is empty, no events, no variables, nothing. I think it had some logic that was removed some time ago.

So I don’t know where reference is coming from.

Ok so, I have a blueprint named BP_ZombieSpawner that can spawn BP_Spawn or BP_Zombie instances during gameplay, and had one placed in level.

I removed it and now BP_Zombie and BP_Spawn are only referenced by this blueprint, BP_ZombieSpawned. but error still occurs.

reason I ask is because another issue I’m looking over had same thing happen:

They were able to get rid of error by removing references to blueprints in Level Blueprint. I’m wondering if Level Blueprint reference to these blueprints is causing an issue. Can you try removing those references to see if errors disappear, and then replace references and see if they come back? That would help us narrow down what’s happening here. Thanks!

Oh ! I removed references and errors disappear.

In BP_MonsterSpawner I have a Class variable that is set in construction script

And it also has a default value of BP_Spawn:

I replaced them back and errors are back though.

Which references did you remove to get errors to go away?

If you move Class variable declaration from Construction Script to an Event Begin Play on Event Graph, do you still get same errors?

Sorry I changed blueprint form yesterday, but I’m still getting same error though. Instead of setters I have a select node, not in construction script but in a function that it’s called from tick event

Just like before, if I set both class variable to None in select node, error does not appear anymore.

I noticed error appear also in another map that has no reference to BP_Monster, BP_Spawner or BP_MonsterSpawner. It’s my Main Menu map that has an empty scene. It only shows main menu using UMG when game starts.

It appears in both of these maps and only when editor starts (they have to be set as startup map). If I open them from any map after editor starts there is no error.


A temporary workaround could be to change literal values (of class type) into regular member variables.
Create 2 member variables of ‘Pawn’ class type (for BP_Zombie and BP_Spawn) and set their default values.

Let me know, if it helps.


Hey Ghar,

Have you updated to 4.5 Preview yet? If not, would you mind creating a copy of this new project in 4.5 Preview and see if errors persist? There have been some updates involving cyclic dependencies and it may help in your project.

Hey , I just created copy in 4.5 and errors persist.

Hello kaziu, sadly it didn’t make a difference :frowning:

Hey Ghar,

Would you mind writing repro steps (an instruction how to reproduce problem step by step, so we could debug it locally)?


Hi Ghar,

Sorry this one slipped under my radar somehow! Which version of engine are you currently using? Does this error still occur? If so, would you mind uploading project folder somewhere and sending me a link? I apologize for delay, somehow I was no longer assigned so I didn’t see this issue in my list, but I want to make sure we get this working for you if you need it. Let me know!

Hi ,

I don’t have this problem anymore. I remade blueprints a while back and it disappeared.Thank you anyway!

Glad to hear it! Let us know if it pops back up again.

We just had same issue with UE 4.7.3. Our workaround:

  1. Open level’s blueprint event graph
  2. Remove Event Tick links, so that all code is detached and disabled.
  3. Save level
  4. Exit editor and reload level
  5. Reattach links to Event Tick
  6. Save level
  7. Exit editor and reload level

This is still persistent in UE4.9. I just created a new project with first person controller, mobile scalable and no content and receive following error:

Error /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap : Failed import for SkeletalMeshComponent /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/FirstPersonCharacter.FirstPersonCharacter_C:SkeletalMesh_GEN_VARIABLE

Hi Haskellf,

This is a separate issue that we have with First Person template in 4.9, which is already reported in our system (UE-20152). It shouldn’t affect your project at all.