"error: expected \uXXXX escape sequence" when compiling in c++

I’m stuck with the compiler error:
“dbsbuild : error : (8ae31fae-3e3a-46ad-9485-80b91f5c34e3,134): line(1) : error: expected \uXXXX escape sequence”

  1. My first try was the epic launcher version, I tried porting my game and this error was the outcome of the compiling.
  2. However, this compiler error also occurred when I tried to create a fresh first person shooter project based on c++ in ue5.
  3. Now I downloaded the git version of ue5… and with the attempt to compile the engine from source, this error occurred as well.

More info:

  • Epic Launcher ue5 version with a blueprint only project was working very well.
  • Reinstalling visual studio 2019 (community) and trying out different c++ toolchain versions did not solve the problem.
  • Compiling in ue4 works as intended.

Full output of the error:
1>------ Build started: Project: UE5, Configuration: Development_Editor x64 ------
1>Using bundled DotNet SDK
1>Win64 using Manual SDK 10.0.19041.0
1>Win64 using Manual SDK 10.0.19041.0
1>Building UnrealEditor and ShaderCompileWorker…
1>Using Visual Studio 2019 14.27.29117 toolchain (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.27.29110) and Windows 10.0.19041.0 SDK (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10).
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AISupportModule unity file: AISupportModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from SignificanceManager unity file: SignificanceManager.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from CryptoKeysOpenSSL unity file: CryptoKeysOpenSSL.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from InterchangeEditor unity file: InterchangeEditorModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from InterchangeNodes unity file: InterchangeNodesModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from InterchangeImport unity file: InterchangeFbxTranslator.cpp, InterchangeMaterialFactory.cpp, InterchangeSkeletalMeshFactory.cpp, InterchangeSkeletonFactory.cpp, InterchangeBMPTranslator.cpp, InterchangeDDSTranslator.cpp, InterchangeEXRTranslator.cpp, InterchangeJPGTranslator.cpp, InterchangePCXTranslator.cpp, InterchangePNGTranslator.cpp, InterchangePSDTranslator.cpp, InterchangeTextureFactory.cpp, InterchangeTexturePayloadData.cpp, InterchangeTGATranslator.cpp, InterchangeUDIMTranslator.cpp, TextureTranslatorUtilities.cpp, InterchangeImportCommon.cpp, InterchangeImportModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ScreenshotTools unity file: ScreenshotTools.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from CharacterAI unity file: CharacterAIModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from PlatformCrypto unity file: PlatformCrypto.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from PlatformCryptoTypes unity file: PlatformCryptoTypes.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MLSDK unity file: LibraryLoaderImpl.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MagicLeapMediaFactory unity file: MagicLeapMediaFactoryModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MagicLeapMediaCodecFactory unity file: MagicLeapMediaCodecFactoryModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MagicLeapARPinImpl unity file: MagicLeapARPinImplModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MagicLeapHelperVulkan unity file: MagicLeapHelperVulkan.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MagicLeapIdentity unity file: MagicLeapIdentity.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MagicLeapSecureStorage unity file: MagicLeapSecureStorage.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from OpenExrWrapper unity file: OpenExrWrapper.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from LauncherChunkInstaller unity file: LauncherChunkInstaller.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ActorLayerUtilities unity file: ActorLayerUtilities.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AppleImageUtilsBlueprintSupport unity file: AppleImageUtilsBlueprintSupport.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ExampleDeviceProfileSelector unity file: ExampleDeviceProfileSelectorModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from RuntimePhysXCooking unity file: RuntimePhysXCooking.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from SteamVRInput unity file: SteamVRInput.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from WebMMediaFactory unity file: WebMMediaFactoryModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from XGEController unity file: XGEControllerModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from UnrealGame unity file: UnrealGame.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from BuildSettings unity file: BuildSettings.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from Analytics unity file: Analytics.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from NetCommon unity file: NetCommonModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from RSA unity file: RSA.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from EngineSettings unity file: EngineSettingsModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from WorkspaceMenuStructure unity file: WorkspaceMenuStructureModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from SessionMessages unity file: SessionMessagesModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from UnrealEdMessages unity file: UnrealEdMessagesModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from UATHelper unity file: UATHelperModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ChaosCore unity file: ChaosCoreModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from RawMesh unity file: RawMesh.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MeshDescriptionOperations unity file: MeshDescriptionOperations.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ScriptDisassembler unity file: ScriptDisassembler.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MeshReductionInterface unity file: MeshReductionManagerModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from SkeletalMeshUtilitiesCommon unity file: LODUtilities.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from EngineMessages unity file: EngineMessagesModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MovieSceneCaptureDialog unity file: MovieSceneCaptureDialogModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AutomationMessages unity file: AutomationMessagesModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ProfilerMessages unity file: ProfilerMessagesModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from NewLevelDialog unity file: NewLevelDialogModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AudioSettingsEditor unity file: TargetPlatformAudioCustomization.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from NetworkReplayStreaming unity file: NetworkReplayStreaming.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MeshBoneReduction unity file: MeshBoneReduction.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from IESFile unity file: IESLoader.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from PIEPreviewDeviceSpecification unity file: PIEPreviewDeviceSpecification.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from IoStoreUtilities unity file: IoStoreUtilities.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from SandboxFile unity file: IPlatformFileSandboxWrapper.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from EditorSettingsViewer unity file: EditorSettingsViewerModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ProjectSettingsViewer unity file: ProjectSettingsViewerModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ViewportSnapping unity file: ViewportSnappingModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from PortalMessages unity file: PortalMessagesModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AndroidDeviceDetection unity file: AndroidDeviceDetectionModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ShaderPreprocessor unity file: ShaderPreprocessor.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ImageCore unity file: ImageCore.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from TextureFormatIntelISPCTexComp unity file: TextureFormatIntelISPCTexComp.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from TextureFormatDXT unity file: TextureFormatDXT.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from TextureFormatASTC unity file: TextureFormatASTC.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from TextureFormatUncompressed unity file: TextureFormatUncompressed.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AudioFormatADPCM unity file: AudioFormatADPCM.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AudioFormatOgg unity file: AudioFormatOgg.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AudioFormatOpus unity file: AudioFormatOpus.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from LaunchDaemonMessages unity file: LaunchDaemonMessagesModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from TVOSTargetPlatform unity file: TVOSTargetPlatformModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from TextureFormatETC2 unity file: TextureFormatETC2.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from CrunchCompression unity file: CrunchCompression.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MessagingCommon unity file: MessagingCommonModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ReliabilityHandlerComponent unity file: ReliabilityHandlerComponent.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from StreamingPauseRendering unity file: StreamingPauseRendering.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from WindowsPlatformEditor unity file: WindowsPlatformEditorModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from NullNetworkReplayStreaming unity file: NullNetworkReplayStreaming.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from LocalFileNetworkReplayStreaming unity file: LocalFileNetworkReplayStreaming.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from HttpNetworkReplayStreaming unity file: HttpNetworkReplayStreaming.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from Advertising unity file: Advertising.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from LinuxAArch64TargetPlatform unity file: LinuxAArch64TargetPlatformModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from StreamingFile unity file: StreamingNetworkPlatformFile.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from CookedIterativeFile unity file: CookedIterativeNetworkFile.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from TextureCompressor unity file: TextureCompressorModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from CEF3Utils unity file: CEF3Utils.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from InputDevice unity file: InputDeviceModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from PhysXCooking unity file: PhysXCooking.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ExternalRpcRegistry unity file: ExternalRpcRegistry.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from HardwareSurvey unity file: HardwareSurveyModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from IPC unity file: IPCModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from NullInstallBundleManager unity file: NullInstallBundleManager.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from LauncherCheck unity file: LauncherCheckModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AnalyticsSwrve unity file: AnalyticsSwrve.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AnalyticsVisualEditing unity file: AnalyticsVisualEditing.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from InMemoryNetworkReplayStreaming unity file: InMemoryNetworkReplayStreaming.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from SaveGameNetworkReplayStreaming unity file: SaveGameNetworkReplayStreaming.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from RemoteImportMessaging unity file: RemoteImportMessagingModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from BlankModule unity file: BlankModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from OpenCVHelper unity file: OpenCVHelperModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from BlankPlugin unity file: BlankPlugin.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from SourceFilteringCore unity file: DataSourceFiltering.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from DynamotorSynth unity file: DynamotorSynth.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AppleVisionBlueprintSupport unity file: AppleVisionBlueprintSupport.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from GPULightmassEditor unity file: GPULightmassEditorModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from PythonScriptPluginPreload unity file: PythonScriptPluginPreload.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from SimpleHMD unity file: SimpleHMD.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from Volumetrics unity file: Volumetrics.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MagicLeapCameraPreviewFactory unity file: MagicLeapCameraPreviewFactoryModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MagicLeapDispatch unity file: MagicLeapDispatchPlugin.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MagicLeapMovement unity file: MagicLeapMovementComponent.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AjaMediaFactory unity file: AjaMediaFactoryModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from BlackmagicMediaFactory unity file: BlackmagicMediaFactoryModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ElectraPlayerFactory unity file: ElectraPlayerFactoryModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from HLMediaFactory unity file: HLMediaFactoryModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MfMediaFactory unity file: MfMediaFactoryModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from PixelStreamingPlayerFactory unity file: PixelStreamingPlayerFactoryModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from UEOpenExrRTTI unity file: OpenExrRTTIModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from WebAuth unity file: WebAuthModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from PerformanceMonitor unity file: PerformanceMonitor.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AdjustEditor unity file: AdjustEditor.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AnalyticsMulticastEditor unity file: AnalyticsMulticastEditor.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AnalyticsMulticast unity file: AnalyticsMulticast.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from FileLogging unity file: FileLogging.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from FlurryEditor unity file: FlurryEditor.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AzureSpatialAnchorsForWMR unity file: AzureSpatialAnchorsForWMR.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from ADOSupport unity file: ADOSupport.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from DatabaseSupport unity file: DatabaseSupport.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from SQLiteCore unity file: SQLiteCore.cpp, SQLiteDatabase.cpp, SQLiteEmbeddedPlatform.cpp, SQLitePreparedStatement.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from HPMotionController unity file: HPMotionController.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from LocationServicesAndroidEditor unity file: LocationServicesAndroidEditor.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from LocationServicesIOSEditor unity file: LocationServicesIOSEditor.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from MicrosoftSpatialSound unity file: MicrosoftSpatialSoundPlugin.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from NetworkPredictionExtrasLatentLoad unity file: NetworkPredictionExtrasLatentLoadModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from OculusOpenXRHMD unity file: OculusOpenXRHMD.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from OpenXREyeTracker unity file: OpenXREyeTracker.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from OpenXRMsftHandInteraction unity file: OpenXRMsftHandInteraction.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from OpenXRInput unity file: OpenXRInput.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AESGCMHandlerComponent unity file: AESGCMHandlerComponent.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from AESHandlerComponent unity file: AESHandlerComponent.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from OodleCompressionFormat unity file: OodleCompressionFormat.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from SteamController unity file: SteamController.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from SteamShared unity file: SteamSharedModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from WebBrowserNativeProxy unity file: WebBrowserNativeProxyModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from WindowsDeviceProfileSelector unity file: WindowsDeviceProfileSelectorModule.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from WindowsMixedRealityEyeTracker unity file: WindowsMixedRealityEyeTracker.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from WinDualShock unity file: WinDualShock.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from DataCharts unity file: DataCharts.cpp
1>[Adaptive Build] Excluded from LiveLinkXREditor unity file: LiveLinkXREditor.cpp
1>dbsbuild : error : (8ae31fae-3e3a-46ad-9485-80b91f5c34e3,134): line(1) : error: expected \uXXXX escape sequence
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(45,5): error MSB3073: The command “…\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat -Target=“UnrealEditor Win64 Development” -Target=“ShaderCompileWorker Win64 Development -Quiet” -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild” exited with code 6.
1>Done building project “UE5.vcxproj” – FAILED.

1 Like

I ran into the same error and fixed it by setting bAllowSNDBS to false in BuildConfiguration.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Configuration xmlns=“https://www.unrealengine.com/BuildConfiguration”>

Where to find BuildConfiguration.xml: