Error "DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine" on start

Hello, I have a problem, as u can imagine,
well, when I run UE4.24.3 I get the error in the title. I don’t know how to fix it, I’ve looked a lot of forums, nothing, updating 20 million times graphics’ and DirectX 11, nothing. I am desperate, if u need more info don’t doubt to tell me.
Cordial regards and advanced thanks from

hit Win+R and type dxdiag in the Run window

A DirectX Diagnostic Tool window will pop up with tabs at the top, the Display tab is what you’re after.

Your video card is too old to run the engine. Just to be sure, what is your video card?

no idea, how to look? (windows 10)

Intel® HD Graphics 3000, it comes with the computer. Below puts: “Chip type: Intel® HD Graphics family”, IDK if it means something.

You’re on a laptop that does not have a dedicated video card at all. The chip you’ve mentioned is built-in into the processor. It’s nowhere nearly powerful enough. Sorry.

It used to be possible, albeit very difficult, to make the engine work on an older UE4 version from several years ago but this is not recommended; and no longer supported afaik.

You will need a much more potent computer to work with UE4. Min specs are here:

ok, well thanks anyway!

another thing, 2GB ram is sufficient?

8GB is the very minimum but it will give you a headache sooner or later. Think 16 as a base.