Error Deployment: missing sd card or bad permission

Hello guys,
The packaging of the default project"PuzzleExampleMap" goes well, but the deployment on my Nexus 5 goes wrong. I’ve attached the log and a screenshot.
Can you give me some hints to solve the issue?
UE4.10.4 / Nexus 5 / Android 6

Error:*** Installing new data. Failures here indicate storage problems (missing SD card or bad permissions) and are fatal.***

This is the screenshot of my Android SDK Manager. Everything is Up-to-date.

This is the screenshot of my Device Manager. Everything seems good.

With the adb devices in the command prompt I see my devices connected to my PC

Hi Hathis,

The message you posted isn’t an error message. It is an indicator there may be an issue if you see any errors afterward from the following commands. You need to post the full output if it is actually failing; it may be working.

If the APK or OBB fails to install you may be out of storage space.

Thx for your help Chris. See below the entire log I get.


C:\Users\Hathis\Documents\SI\Package\Android>set ANDROIDHOME=G:\Softwares\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows

C:\Users\Hathis\Documents\SI\Package\Android>if “G:\Softwares\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows” == “” set ANDROIDHOME=G:\Softwares\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows

C:\Users\Hathis\Documents\SI\Package\Android>set ADB=G:\Softwares\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe

C:\Users\Hathis\Documents\SI\Package\Android>set DEVICE=

C:\Users\Hathis\Documents\SI\Package\Android>if not “” == “” set DEVICE=-s

C:\Users\Hathis\Documents\SI\Package\Android>for /F “delims=” %A in (‘G:\Softwares\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe shell “echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE”’) do @set STORAGE=%A

Uninstalling existing application. Failures here can almost always be ignored.

C:\Users\Hathis\Documents\SI\Package\Android>G:\Softwares\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe uninstall com.YourCompany.MyProject

Installing existing application. Failures here indicate a problem with the device (connection or storage permissions) and are fatal.

C:\Users\Hathis\Documents\SI\Package\Android>G:\Softwares\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe install MyProject-armv7-es2.apk
4706 KB/s (32492272 bytes in 6.742s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/MyProject-armv7-es2.apk

C:\Users\Hathis\Documents\SI\Package\Android>G:\Softwares\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe shell rm -r /sdcard/UE4Game/MyProject
rm: /sdcard/UE4Game/MyProject: No such file or directory

C:\Users\Hathis\Documents\SI\Package\Android>G:\Softwares\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe shell rm -r /sdcard/UE4Game/UE4CommandLine.txt
rm: /sdcard/UE4Game/UE4CommandLine.txt: No such file or directory

C:\Users\Hathis\Documents\SI\Package\Android>G:\Softwares\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe shell rm -r /sdcard/obb/com.YourCompany.MyProject

Installing new data. Failures here indicate storage problems (missing SD card or bad permissions) and are fatal.

C:\Users\Hathis\Documents\SI\Package\Android>G:\Softwares\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe push /sdcard/obb/com.YourCompany.MyProject/*

Wow, everything seems good now, the project is installed properly. The fact that I have restarted my device could explain…
So this error message can be ignored, right?

Yes, everything looks correct.

Copy .apk and .obb files in directory created by batch files and everything will works fine.